薔薇:花の市場 ビール・洋酒








検索対象: 全商品から検索 販売可能商品のみ検索
並べ替え: 感想の件数順  価格が安い順  価格が高い順  新着順 

101件〜120件(全5859件)前の20件  次の20件  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  ・・・

写真 商品名 値段 送料 販売店
CHATEAU MONTROSE 2003 / シャトー モンローズ 2003 CHATEAU MONTROSE 2003 / シャトー モンローズ 2003 470,000 円 Fine and Rare
CHATEAU MONTROSE 2003 / シャトー モンローズ 2003 . A heather hill overlooking the Gironde was cleared and planted in 1778 thanks to Étienne Théodore Dumoulin, who had inherited from his father the property previously bought in from the Ségur family. He built a castle there, the vineyard reaches 50 hectares in 1850, It is at this time that the castle takes its current name, referring to the colors of the hi・・・(以下省略)
Hanyu Ichiro’s Malt 15 years The Final Vintage / 羽生 イチローズ モルト 15年 ザ ファイナル ヴィンテージ Hanyu Ichiro’s Malt 15 years The Final Vintage / 羽生 イチローズ モルト 15年 ザ ファイナル ヴィンテージ 460,000 円 Fine and Rare
Hanyu Ichiro’s Malt 15 years The Final Vintage / 羽生 イチローズ モルト 15年 ザ ファイナル ヴィンテージ . Based in the city of Hanyu in Japan’s Saitama prefecture, the legendary Japanese whisky brand Hanyu sold blends made from grain whisky produced on its own continuous stills and imported malt whisky from Scotland in 40s.In 80s, Akuto managed to acquire not only some of Hanyu’s equipment, but also its remaining 400 ca・・・(以下省略)
【クール配送】【6本セット】アンリ・ド・ヴォージャンシー キュヴェ・デ・ザンセルトル (ヴィノテーク・ファミリアル) オリジナル木箱入り 【クール配送】【6本セット】アンリ・ド・ヴォージャンシー キュヴェ・デ・ザンセルトル (ヴィノテーク・ファミリアル) オリジナル木箱入り 448,800 円 ウメムラ Wine Cellar
※木箱入り大型商品のため、他の商品と同梱できません。 ※本セット作品に関しては、現品限りの商品のため「味わい」及び「ブショネ」等による返品はお断りさせていただいております。 蔵出しバックヴィンテージ! シャンパーニュ、アンリ・ド・ヴォージャンシーより ファミリーストックからの限定ミレジム作品のセット! アンリ・ド・ヴォージャンシーは創業1732年、所有する8ヘクタールはすべてグランクリュ・オジェという、コート・デ・ブランを代表する名門です。「1年のほとんどの時間を畑で過ごしています」というパスカル・アンリは、樹齢40年以上の古樹畑で厳格なリュット・レゾネ栽培に取り組み、極上のブラン・ド・ブランを造っています。 ★祖父の代に造られた、ファミリーストック ★日本5セットのみの限定ご案内(中身のヴィンテージは5セットすべて異なります。) ★特注木箱入り 「キュヴェ・デ・ザンセルトル」は、当店入荷・・・(以下省略)
CHATEAU MONTROSE 1998 / シャトー モンローズ 1998 CHATEAU MONTROSE 1998 / シャトー モンローズ 1998 440,000 円 Fine and Rare
CHATEAU MONTROSE 1998 / シャトー モンローズ 1998 . A heather hill overlooking the Gironde was cleared and planted in 1778 thanks to Étienne Théodore Dumoulin, who had inherited from his father the property previously bought in from the Ségur family. He built a castle there, the vineyard reaches 50 hectares in 1850, It is at this time that the castle takes its current name, referring to the colors of the hi・・・(以下省略)
CHATEAU MONTROSE 2014 / シャトー モンローズ 2014 CHATEAU MONTROSE 2014 / シャトー モンローズ 2014 440,000 円 Fine and Rare
CHATEAU MONTROSE 2014 / シャトー モンローズ 2014 . A heather hill overlooking the Gironde was cleared and planted in 1778 thanks to Étienne Théodore Dumoulin, who had inherited from his father the property previously bought in from the Ségur family. He built a castle there, the vineyard reaches 50 hectares in 1850, It is at this time that the castle takes its current name, referring to the colors of the hi・・・(以下省略)
CHATEAU MONTROSE 2008 / シャトー モンローズ 2008 CHATEAU MONTROSE 2008 / シャトー モンローズ 2008 440,000 円 Fine and Rare
CHATEAU MONTROSE 2008 / シャトー モンローズ 2008 . A heather hill overlooking the Gironde was cleared and planted in 1778 thanks to Étienne Théodore Dumoulin, who had inherited from his father the property previously bought in from the Ségur family. He built a castle there, the vineyard reaches 50 hectares in 1850, It is at this time that the castle takes its current name, referring to the colors of the hi・・・(以下省略)
CHATEAU MONTROSE 2004 / シャトー モンローズ 2004 CHATEAU MONTROSE 2004 / シャトー モンローズ 2004 440,000 円 Fine and Rare
CHATEAU MONTROSE 2004 / シャトー モンローズ 2004 . A heather hill overlooking the Gironde was cleared and planted in 1778 thanks to Étienne Théodore Dumoulin, who had inherited from his father the property previously bought in from the Ségur family. He built a castle there, the vineyard reaches 50 hectares in 1850, It is at this time that the castle takes its current name, referring to the colors of the hi・・・(以下省略)
CHATEAU MONTROSE 1993 / シャトー モンローズ 1993 CHATEAU MONTROSE 1993 / シャトー モンローズ 1993 440,000 円 Fine and Rare
CHATEAU MONTROSE 1993 / シャトー モンローズ 1993 . A heather hill overlooking the Gironde was cleared and planted in 1778 thanks to Étienne Théodore Dumoulin, who had inherited from his father the property previously bought in from the Ségur family. He built a castle there, the vineyard reaches 50 hectares in 1850, It is at this time that the castle takes its current name, referring to the colors of the hi・・・(以下省略)
CHATEAU MONTROSE 2019 / シャトー モンローズ 2019 CHATEAU MONTROSE 2019 / シャトー モンローズ 2019 440,000 円 Fine and Rare
CHATEAU MONTROSE 2019 / シャトー モンローズ 2019 . A heather hill overlooking the Gironde was cleared and planted in 1778 thanks to Étienne Théodore Dumoulin, who had inherited from his father the property previously bought in from the Ségur family. He built a castle there, the vineyard reaches 50 hectares in 1850, It is at this time that the castle takes its current name, referring to the colors of the hi・・・(以下省略)
【クール配送】ジャック・フレデリック・ミュニエ ミュジニー グラン・クリュ [2015]750ml 【クール配送】ジャック・フレデリック・ミュニエ ミュジニー グラン・クリュ [2015]750ml 440,000 円
ウメムラ Wine Cellar
特級畑ミュジニー。エレガントで緻密な構造をもつ偉大なワイン。 繊細で華やかなシャンボール・ミュジニーらしさを引き出す名手として知られる、ジャック・フレデリック・ミュニエ。コント・ジョルジュ・ド・ヴォギュエやジョルジュ・ルーミエといったシャンボール・ミュジニーを代表する2大ドメーヌと肩を並べる存在であり、年々入手困難を極める造り手です。 「ミュジニー グラン・クリュ」は、一級畑レ・ザムルーズの土壌構成に似ており、ブドウ樹が深く根を伸ばすことができ、水はけが良いのが特徴です。一方で、斜面上部は主に泥灰土。もろい魚卵状石灰岩を含んでおり、保水性が高いのが特徴。隣接するレ・ザムルーズのように、エレガントでリッチさも感じられますが、より堅実な骨格を備えています。ジャック・フレデリック・ミュニエは、この特級畑ミュジニーを1.14ha所有。 ミュニエはミュジニー第2の広さを有する。ミュジニーを音楽家に喩・・・(以下省略)
CHATEAU MONTROSE 1994 / シャトー モンローズ 1994 CHATEAU MONTROSE 1994 / シャトー モンローズ 1994 440,000 円 Fine and Rare
CHATEAU MONTROSE 1994 / シャトー モンローズ 1994 . A heather hill overlooking the Gironde was cleared and planted in 1778 thanks to Étienne Théodore Dumoulin, who had inherited from his father the property previously bought in from the Ségur family. He built a castle there, the vineyard reaches 50 hectares in 1850, It is at this time that the castle takes its current name, referring to the colors of the hi・・・(以下省略)
CHATEAU MONTROSE 2016 / シャトー モンローズ 2016 CHATEAU MONTROSE 2016 / シャトー モンローズ 2016 440,000 円 Fine and Rare
CHATEAU MONTROSE 2016 / シャトー モンローズ 2016 . A heather hill overlooking the Gironde was cleared and planted in 1778 thanks to Étienne Théodore Dumoulin, who had inherited from his father the property previously bought in from the Ségur family. He built a castle there, the vineyard reaches 50 hectares in 1850, It is at this time that the castle takes its current name, referring to the colors of the hi・・・(以下省略)
CHATEAU MONTROSE 2012 / シャトー モンローズ 2012 CHATEAU MONTROSE 2012 / シャトー モンローズ 2012 440,000 円 Fine and Rare
CHATEAU MONTROSE 2012 / シャトー モンローズ 2012 . A heather hill overlooking the Gironde was cleared and planted in 1778 thanks to Étienne Théodore Dumoulin, who had inherited from his father the property previously bought in from the Ségur family. He built a castle there, the vineyard reaches 50 hectares in 1850, It is at this time that the castle takes its current name, referring to the colors of the hi・・・(以下省略)
CHATEAU MONTROSE 2013 / シャトー モンローズ 2013 CHATEAU MONTROSE 2013 / シャトー モンローズ 2013 440,000 円 Fine and Rare
CHATEAU MONTROSE 2013 / シャトー モンローズ 2013 . A heather hill overlooking the Gironde was cleared and planted in 1778 thanks to Étienne Théodore Dumoulin, who had inherited from his father the property previously bought in from the Ségur family. He built a castle there, the vineyard reaches 50 hectares in 1850, It is at this time that the castle takes its current name, referring to the colors of the hi・・・(以下省略)
CHATEAU MONTROSE 2020 / シャトー モンローズ 2020 CHATEAU MONTROSE 2020 / シャトー モンローズ 2020 440,000 円 Fine and Rare
CHATEAU MONTROSE 2020 / シャトー モンローズ 2020 . A heather hill overlooking the Gironde was cleared and planted in 1778 thanks to Étienne Théodore Dumoulin, who had inherited from his father the property previously bought in from the Ségur family. He built a castle there, the vineyard reaches 50 hectares in 1850, It is at this time that the castle takes its current name, referring to the colors of the hi・・・(以下省略)
CHATEAU MONTROSE 1991 / シャトー モンローズ 1991 CHATEAU MONTROSE 1991 / シャトー モンローズ 1991 440,000 円 Fine and Rare
CHATEAU MONTROSE 1991 / シャトー モンローズ 1991 . A heather hill overlooking the Gironde was cleared and planted in 1778 thanks to Étienne Théodore Dumoulin, who had inherited from his father the property previously bought in from the Ségur family. He built a castle there, the vineyard reaches 50 hectares in 1850, It is at this time that the castle takes its current name, referring to the colors of the hi・・・(以下省略)
CHATEAU MONTROSE 2017 / シャトー モンローズ 2017 CHATEAU MONTROSE 2017 / シャトー モンローズ 2017 440,000 円 Fine and Rare
CHATEAU MONTROSE 2017 / シャトー モンローズ 2017 . A heather hill overlooking the Gironde was cleared and planted in 1778 thanks to Étienne Théodore Dumoulin, who had inherited from his father the property previously bought in from the Ségur family. He built a castle there, the vineyard reaches 50 hectares in 1850, It is at this time that the castle takes its current name, referring to the colors of the hi・・・(以下省略)
CHATEAU MONTROSE 2018 / シャトー モンローズ 2018 CHATEAU MONTROSE 2018 / シャトー モンローズ 2018 440,000 円 Fine and Rare
CHATEAU MONTROSE 2018 / シャトー モンローズ 2018 . A heather hill overlooking the Gironde was cleared and planted in 1778 thanks to Étienne Théodore Dumoulin, who had inherited from his father the property previously bought in from the Ségur family. He built a castle there, the vineyard reaches 50 hectares in 1850, It is at this time that the castle takes its current name, referring to the colors of the hi・・・(以下省略)
CHATEAU MONTROSE 2006 / シャトー モンローズ 2006 CHATEAU MONTROSE 2006 / シャトー モンローズ 2006 440,000 円 Fine and Rare
CHATEAU MONTROSE 2006 / シャトー モンローズ 2006 . A heather hill overlooking the Gironde was cleared and planted in 1778 thanks to Étienne Théodore Dumoulin, who had inherited from his father the property previously bought in from the Ségur family. He built a castle there, the vineyard reaches 50 hectares in 1850, It is at this time that the castle takes its current name, referring to the colors of the hi・・・(以下省略)
CHATEAU MONTROSE 1997 / シャトー モンローズ 1997 CHATEAU MONTROSE 1997 / シャトー モンローズ 1997 440,000 円 Fine and Rare
CHATEAU MONTROSE 1997 / シャトー モンローズ 1997 . A heather hill overlooking the Gironde was cleared and planted in 1778 thanks to Étienne Théodore Dumoulin, who had inherited from his father the property previously bought in from the Ségur family. He built a castle there, the vineyard reaches 50 hectares in 1850, It is at this time that the castle takes its current name, referring to the colors of the hi・・・(以下省略)

101件〜120件(全5859件) 前の20件  次の20件  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  ・・・

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